Tuesday 17 May 2022

Amigurumi for inspiration from internet and my Caldy creature


Caldy is warm, mild-tempered and giving elf who leads a simple lifestyle in a hidden place of park. One of his daily routines involves taking a nature walk around his part of the park with a freshly baked cookies and offering pieces to any hungry critters or beings whom he encounters. Caldy doesn't return home until he has not a single crumb left. 
To his fellow forest dwellers he is a blessing, a ray of sunshine. 
In addition to baking Caldy also enjoys reading storybooks, indulging in art and crafts, and decorating his cozy drey-nest.


Hare-ballerina called Harina. Harina is a forest-dwelling elf who happens to be a playful and bold adventure-seeker. She was bitten by the wanderlust as a young child and was always curious about her surroundings and what lay beyond them. 
She lives in a cozy rabbit burrow hole under big tree.

Crochelves are fantastic forest creatures. Their creator lives and works in Liverpool and admits that since childhood she loved to read a variety of fairy tales and myths, and also to draw and make something with her own hands. Once she drew in a notebook an image of the first crochelf – and decided to turn it into a toy. Thus began her passion.


the internet is brimming with such creativity that I can't help but get inspired:

Before the internet we had to buy magazines and books and visit art galleries and the like to get inspired, and though we should probably still do those things, it’s just nice sometimes to be connected to amazingly talented people, people who we would never normally encounter, through the Internet as well.

The social media sites that lead the way for creativity and show off people’s artistic skills in such a way that I get so inspired by. These crochet creatures are so good that I break out my hook and wool because I believe that if I try hard enough, I can create a nice creatures like them.
 All these websites encourage me in small ways to do something.
The Internet is awash with people being creative and I’m convinced that this is a good thing, that this creativity breeds more creativity. 

How many times have I seen something amazing on the internet and been so inspired by it that you’ve subsequently taken action, even if it’s only something small like changing the way you make simple toast?

Whilst the Internet isn’t perfect and sometimes shows off peoples’ worst sides, I also think that it shows off people’s best sides too. It shows us just how inventive, smart, funny and artistic people can be and I can’t help but be inspired by all these things. 
Sometimes I’m so overcome with admiration that I’m overwhelmed by inertia, because how am I going to reach the standard that all these people have achieved? But then I remember that everyone started somewhere, no one came fully formed and the Internet can also show us the archives of the early days of these talented people where they were finding their feet. The main thing is to take the first step and always keep reading, watching and observing because there’s so much inspiration to be found on the internet.


tooth fairy 

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